Hot off the press … tonight I received this email from a woman who has a very interesting problem and needs help. I thought I would pose it here for you to see, and see if anyone has any ideas or suggestions. As always, I’ll provide my own thoughts in the coming hours and days …

Doctor Becky,
I am a  45-year-old  mother of two wonderful teen age boys. My husband is 49, and not the same man I married. He used to be active and fun, but he is becoming  more critical and sarcastic all the time. I can’t remember a time recently when he laughed with our family.  He snaps and barks out of the blue, and his comments offend others.  He has added about 50 pounds to his frame in the last few years, and doesn’t like to exercise to lose the weight.  
One of my friends says it sounds like male menopause. What’s  that?
He won’t see a doctor for his health or a counselor for his moods, because he thinks he is always right these days. Instead of apologizing for his comments, he says,  "You shouldn’t have taken it that way." 
And more importantly, how can I  help my two caring, big-hearted sons to stay the way they are, and not follow the example of their dad when they begin dating relationships?



Hello Readers …

Well, it had to happen. One man read what I wrote about many men being emotionally unavailable, and responded angrily via email at Here’s what he said:

Dear Doctor Becky,

Are you kidding me?? I just read what you wrote in your "men asking for help" (blog) column. OK, I admit most of us have that issue … BUT … has anyone told you how emotionally unavailable women are?? Dear Lord!! Maybe with so many of us men and women being unable to hook up (I suppose it is because we’re off in emotional outer space) then maybe it’s God’s way of  ending humanity as we know it. What do you think about that?


Tom in D.C.

Dear Tom,

Wow, what a thought-provoking missive you have sent my way. Thanks for writing. Now, let’s get to it …

Uh … well, I’d like to think that whatever person’s spiritual beliefs (or not), people who think about things like this such as scientists, religious folk, and whoever is left, might be able to agree that humans are probably not meant to isolate and be alone. In fact, I think it’s pretty common knowledge among sociologists and others who study too much that humans thrive when they have human connection, and don’t when they don’t. Humans are like plants and need water and sunlight, and if you put the plant in a closet and ignore it, it will die.

Now, as far as women go, yes, yes, many are emotionally unavailable, and I’d like to help my gender with that as I’d like to help men because I believe we all thrive and are happiest when we have human connection. Stay tuned here and I will address the HUMAN condition of withdrawing and isolating due to painful life experiences … and stay in touch!

Dr. B

Andie is a wonderfully attractive 39-year-old woman who has a lot to offer a man. She’s in shape, smart, intelligent, funny,  and has a great job that allows her to support a nice lifestyle. She’s solid, real, emotionally available, and a person that can be counted on, but, with all of that, she still has a problem.

“Doctor B, I can’t seem to find my male equivalent,” she says. “I have been wanting to have a boyfriend and a committed relationship for most of the seven years I’ve been single, and yet all I seem to attract is men who aren’t solid mentally, they’re not commitment-oriented, or emotionally available. So many of them don’t take care of themselves as they should. What’s up with that?”

I really empathize with Andie. After all, I’m single and have had similar experiences, and yes, it gets frustrating … I mean, wouldn’t you think it’d be easy to meet someone who was just sort of healthy, available, and balanced?

Now, you must know that this conversation is not to bash men, because I love guys, and so do the women I talked to for this article. But I do think part of the problem has to do with the same reason that so many men (in the classic scenario) cannot bring themselves to ask for directions – it’s simply abhorrent for them to ask for help, and they prefer to figure things out for themselves.

To get some male backing on this, I called San Antonio psychiatrist Dr. Jeffrey Benzick. He said there is a survival of the fittest thing going on, and explained that since cave man days the strongest men were self reliant … so all the dudes of today are just carrying the DNA of millions before them who valued doing things themselves.

"It is at least partially biological, I’m sorry to say," Benzick says.

So, doc, is there a pill for it? The way many women see it is that they don’t care so much about the whys of it, they just know that this self reliance is keeping them cold at night. To them, both genders experience pain, loss, and disappointments that come with life, but a whole lot of females have long been sorting through and dealing with the baggage life brings, and since we have, we’re feeling good and are ready to reconnect. The self reliant men aren’t working on their mental and emotional health, and at the end of the day, all of us are needlessly alone, and that’s sad.

Patti, a 57-year-old professional in Dallas, says the male predisposition to be self reliant is driving her nuts in a different sort of way …

“I date men my age and a little older, and many of them are limping around in the bedroom, if you know what I mean … and frankly, I’m sick of it” she says. “When I muster up the courage to ask them about it, I have yet to hear one say, ‘Oh yeah, I’m going to go to the doctor and find out what’s going on and maybe get Viagra to help me out with this.’ Instead, every single one has some excuse why he could never, ever use Viagra or any drug for ED (erectile dysfunction). It is so frustrating, but what can you do – date younger men, I guess?”

Uh, I hope not. So, I hear what Benzick says about why men have an allergy to seeking help, whether it’s mental, physical or emotional health, or even a style makeover, and I do agree with him. But I would also add that there are cultural pressures as well, including some nasty old stubborn pride – a characteristic found in humans that ruins more relationships than I can count.  After all, in our culture it’s considered manly to be viewed as strong, perfect and infallible. To that end, American boys are often taught not to exhibit sadness, vulnerability or fear, as these qualities are considered to be weak, and folks, weakness isn’t manly.

You know," Benzick says. "Almost every man can remember the moment between age 3 and 5 when someone told him to be a man and to not cry or be weak. I remember that moment myself."

And of course, sometimes men do ask for help, because I can attest that there are some who come in for therapy. BUT, most of the ones I see have not been spending years and years on self improvement as so many of their female cohorts have. Instead, the majority come in for the first time between age 38 and 55, and only when they’ve just about hit rock bottom after not being able to cope or fix things on their own. Even then, so many come in once or twice, hear a few things, and figure that’s all they need.

Benzick advises that men may need a little push from their women in order to get them to work their stuff.

"It does work when a woman says the relationship can’t move forward unless he gets help," he says.

Yeah, but that’s for men who are at least semi-connecting, so the question is, how can we motivate those who are mentally and emotionally hiding and isolating to get the help they need without them having to hit super-mega-lows? Do we have to have a government intervention and have vans drive around and pick up emotionally wounded and unavailable men and haul them off to physical and mental health camps to force them to get healthy? It’s just unfortunate that so many men wait such a long time to get help that could improve the quality of their lives and create the possibility for relationships whereas before there was none. If I could wave a wand over the male gender and change this about them, I would, because selfishly speaking, we girls are ready to connect.

So guys (and women, too!), what do YOU think?