27 Ways People Sabotage Their Relationships

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How single people can stop self-sabotoge and get what they want.

by Becky Whetstone, Ph.D.

The bad news a lot of singles sabotage themselves in the dating world. The good news is it can be stopped.

For years I was a fool in relationships. If I was interested, I’d pretend to enjoy experiences I didn’t; became who I thought whatever guy wanted me to be, and kept my mouth shut when I vehemently disagreed with something they did or said. I was so lost, that if a man was cute and had a great career, I‘d do anything and everything to not to be rejected. Of course, I paid a price for that … terrible relationships, three divorces, a bruised and damaged heart, and lots of regret. I saw the red flags but put them on the back burner of my mind. I had so many self-sabotaging behaviors back then that it’s a wonder I was able to come out of it and become a relationship expert, but that’s how much I wanted to change.

During all of it I gave myself a hard time. My inner critic was continually hammering me about my self-defeating behavior and the crazy relationship failures. So much so that a voice in my head said, “Life isn’t going to be this way. You are going to figure this out and turn your life around.” To start, I hired a trauma therapist, attended numerous self-help workshops, and entered graduate school to become a Marriage & Family Therapist. By golly, I was going to figure out why I acted that way and how to end the madness of past relationships. I dedicated five years to my higher education, and spent a lot of time researching dysfunctional relationships, healing, and what healthy relationships consisted of. I read books, studies, and performed a year-long study on how individuals in long-term marriages decide to divorce. All this work and insight changed my perspective completely. In five years’ time I had done a total reset that continues until this day.

I now understand what dysfunctional behaviors are. I know what is healthy and what is not. I grew up. I have become an evangelist for healthy relationships, and that’s why I write blogs and maintain two web sites about them. I never tire of talking about it and want to spread the news everywhere My message is that there is a way to have the kinds of relationships we all long for, but you must do some hard work to get it.

During my grad school years, I remained single. I dated some, but for 10 years I never had a boyfriend. I came out of it emotionally prepared to tolerate zero ridiculousness from any man, and if I even whiffed a red flag, I’d move myself along. The end goal was to become financially and emotionally independent because I knew that a person needed to be that way to make healthy relationship decisions. That was a far cry from the woman who once always needed an ongoing relationship. Even if it meant being single forever, I would never sabotage myself again. It was going to be a compatible, solid mate for me, or bust, knowing I’d be just fine either way. To say it was difficult to meet someone who was grown up, was capable of adult relationships, and didn’t act ridiculous is an understatement.

Out of school for 17 years, I now work with individuals, couples, and families in my private practice, and have experienced a lot of surprises. Before becoming a therapist, I never knew how many hard-working, decent Americans were severely dysfunctional in relationships. They may be excelling as adults in business, but in their private lives they are in the toddler stage. There is so much anxiety and fearfulness, inability to be alone, addictions, unbridled verbal and emotional abuse, people unable to hear anything other than a critical inner voice, that it stuns the mind. What all these emotional disabilities add up to (and many others not mentioned), most single Americans are extremely immature in relationships. It’s a terrible term to call someone you dated a throw back, but that’s what men and their red flags were for me. Like a fish not mature enough to eat, these men weren’t mature enough to date. My teen daughter began teasing me about watching me go on dates, knowing the man was doomed. For me it wasn’t a foregone conclusion, I was always hopeful that I’d meet an emotional adult, I just didn’t realize how rare they are. I began calling emotionally immature men I met, Ridiculous People. This is not kind, I know, but they were so off the wall in their beliefs and behaviors that it was the best term I could come up with that described my experience. The stuff they said and did was nothing short of, well, ridiculous. I believe if more people held out for someone that is emotionally mature and compatible, it would force the ones who are shallow and difficult to work on themselves. Is that too much to ask?

Today I use my difficult lessons and those of past clients, to help others. Of course, I have changed details to protect their identities. The following is a list of ridiculous behaviors grown men and women do that sabotage their chance at a great relationship:

  1. Testing people. What’s worse than being given a test you don’t even know you’re taking? I used to spend time with Ron. I enjoyed his company and friendship. He wanted romance, I did not. We went to a Mexican festival one day, and there were lots of crafts for sale. We strolled through the building admiring the colorful art, and the next thing I know, Ron was nowhere to be found. I looked around, then moved on, figuring he’d gone on ahead of me or went to the restroom. “But why didn’t he say something?” I thought. A few minutes later he popped up and said, “I just hid to see if you’d come looking for me. I wanted to see if you care.” I was livid. It was a test. I was being tested without my knowledge! I felt violated. I told him that I didn’t play games or engage in nonsense, and if he wanted to know if I cared, it’d be best for him to ask. I’ve seen other insecure people in my office say things to their partner like, “It sounds to me like you don’t care.” This is a test question from a person needing reassurance. Instead of asking for it, this person will give you a test. If you don’t answer it correctly, you’ll pay. I recommend if you are given a test by your dating partner, that you consider someone with more self-confidence, as I did, in Ron’s case.
  2. Dating again five minutes after one relationship ends. The last thing someone in a recently failed serious relationship needs is a new relationship. Yet an enormous percentage of people don’t let the sun set on a breakup before going online and putting their shingle out on a dating app as a potential partner. It’s an insecure attachment attachment dynamic that ends up disastrously most of the time, and if you like to put your heart in high-risk situations, this would be the person for you. I like to see someone out of a relationship for at least a year before venturing back out there. There’s healing and taking stock that needs to take place. If a person can’t wait, I see it as a major red flag.
  3. Saying they don’t care when they do. “Franky, I don’t care what you do!” she said, but I knew she was lying. How? Because people who don’t care are apathetic and flat. They literally have no energy or concern about anything you do. People who care are emotional, angry, and fearful. I wish people would just get to point rather than play silly games. This is a game I wouldn’t play a second time.
  4. Expect you to read their mind. “If you loved me, you’d know what I want. If I must tell you what I want, then it means less to me. I want you to figure it out.” Or, “You should have known!” Ugh, and to that I say, baloney. If we want something from our partner, we must tell them. We can’t expect things from them without mutual agreement. Don’t sit there silently resenting your partner because they don’t give you what you want if you haven’ explicitly explained what that is. Grow up and advocate for yourself.
  5. Ghosting. The most ridiculous act of all. Seriously, ghost me once, we are done. No second chances. If I dated a guy who ever ghosted anyone, he’d be toast. Unless a person is dangerous, ghosting is the most immature and cowardly of human interactions and reveals serious issues with respect and human decency. I’ll never understand it, and people of integrity don’t do it.
  6. Make up things to accuse you of. I once dated a man who said his friends saw me driving in my car with another man who wasn’t my teenage son. This never happened. Have you ever had someone falsely say they saw you doing X when you didn’t do X? Call it fishing, but it comes from a place of fear and insecurity, or perhaps, projection, and if you do that to me, you’ll be fishing alone.
  7. Putting expectations on others. “As my partner I expect you to pick up the phone when I call.” Or “I expect you to text message me back immediately.” Or “Why don’t you ever post about me on social media?” Oh really? No adult is the boss of another, and no one has to be in constant communication with another unless they want to be. Some people love to post on social media, and others never will. Put rules and expectations on me without my agreement and you can expect to be disappointed. Unrealistic expectations are, well, ridiculous.
  8. Telling others what they think or feel. No one can read minds, as I said in ridiculous item number four. Therefore, the only person who knows what I think or feel, is me. If you tell another what they think or feel, it’s a good way to make them angry. Have you noticed political pundits do this all the time? “Democrats want a free ride.” “Republicans want an all-white nation.” It’s all conjecture, a waste of breath, and almost always wrong. The wrongness part is what angers the listener. If you make up that I think I am better than you, or tell me what’s going on with me, I’ll be telling you ta ta.
  9. Stereotype and pigeon-hole. Every human is like a different animal with different needs and personalities. You can’t compare on to another accurately. To throw anyone in a box and label them is disrespectful, angering, and ignorant. If you throw people in a box, I’ll throw you in a box.
  10. Flirt or say someone wants you, all to extract jealously. Seriously? If you are that manipulative and insecure, you should not be dating.
  11. Talking to or looking at others inappropriately. My husband is a grounded, rational adult, and he tells me in their imaginations, men are X-rated nasty dogs. Hundreds of other men I’ve asked concur. It’s all an internal journey, all in their minds. If most women really knew what men were thinking, we’d probably have nothing to do with them. Men are going to notice attractive women, but they better not show it, and if you talk to the person stoking the fires in your mind, there will be blood. I suggest single women not tangle with men who can’t control their reactions when an attractive woman comes in the room. It’s disrespectful and childish.
  12. Instigate fights to instigate space or to get closeness. Immature adults get bored easily. Like a child, they need others to play and engage with them. If bored, feeling smothered or needing distance, there’s nothing like a good old fight to change the energy in the room to more of what you’re looking for. All of this drama when you could have just made a request. Ridiculous.
  13. Create issues so you will break up with them. They’re done with you but want you to be the one to do the dirty work of breaking up. Heaven forbid they be cast as a bad human being — what passive aggressive nonsense! If your partner has turned from being the good guy in your life movie to a bad guy, and they have no desire or make excuses about working things out, go ahead and be the one with the gonads and cut them loose. In the end you’ll be the hero, and for yourself.
  14. Refuse to commit. I’ve seen couples argue for two years over whether the term boyfriend or girlfriend may be used. Your dating partner will sense any activities you engage in that reveal you think in terms of me, instead of us. If you are wondering where you stand in a relationship after a year or two, the lack of reassurance and conversation about it is your answer.
  15. Refuse to introduce you to their family and friends. If the person you’ve been going out with doesn’t want to include you in getting to know his friends or family, something is up. They may even be separated or married. Super-private people are not healthy people. The good news is there are plenty who will be happy to include you in their world.
  16. Assume you’re interested just because you’re friendly or want to meet them. I’m an extrovert and friendly person. I’ve had the vegetable guy at the grocery think I wanted him because I am friendly and would speak to him every time I came in. I wasn’t. On dating apps, just because someone agrees to get to know you better doesn’t mean they are seriously interested, and just because someone is friendly doesn’t mean they’re hitting on you. In the first instance it means they are wanting to learn more to see if they are interested, and in the second it means they are friendly.
  17. Blab to anyone who will listen about your personal business. Oversharing is real. I know someone who posts all their medical issues, test results, worries, fears, latest failing health and medical complications on social media in 10-inch-long posts. There seems to be a lack of emotional intelligence here, but in any event they are not a good candidate for a healthy relationship. Less is more. Editing is good. Revealing what is remarkable or interesting is appreciated, too many boring or disgusting details is a deal-killer. People who share too much want attention for all the wrong reasons.
  18. Rush things. People who hurry you along in a romantic relationship are up to something, and it’s not good. I once had a man tell me on the first date, he felt I was “The One.” I laughed in his face and said, “That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard someone say,” and it was. One client I had was dating a guy so insecure that he was trying to seal the deal before she could figure out how needy he was. People with serious mental issues can only hold it together so long, and they know it. Another very young client married a psychopath the first month they met. He had swept her off her feet and wowed her by seeing he was worth over $50 million and could make all her dreams come true. He urged her to get pregnant right away and started to do crazy things almost immediately. She is now a single mom, and the psycho has disappeared and never paid a cent toward the care of the child. She learned about the ways of ridiculous people the hard way.
  19. Demean you because you’re educated or successful. Insecure people will not feel comfortable if you are more accomplished, successful than they are, or have have family money, and it’ll show up in either direct or side remarks they may say about it. What a problem to have, right? But if a man showed me that my doctorate in Marriage & Family Therapy bothered him in any way, then I knew he didn’t have the confidence to walk by my side. I’ve had plenty of male clients who are stay-at-home dads, and they complain about the same things stay-at-home moms do. Not enough help, appreciation, or attention. They feel second-class. It takes a special man to be the Stedman to your Oprah. If a person you’re dating ever puts you down, they’re ridiculous.
  20. Try too hard with your kids. Is the best way to a woman’s heart through their kid’s heart? No. My kids used to get a lot of cool stash from men who came over for a date, and some would be too friendly too. My kids saw through it, and talked about it after they left, and I found it embarrassing, for my date. When I first meet you, keep your distance from my older kids if they’re around. There will come a time to know them, but only if it turns out you’re not ridiculous.
  21. Telling me what others say about me. Being gossiped about is a terrible feeling. People who are loyal have your back. If people talk negatively about you, they won’t stand for it. Also, if people say terrible things about you, they’ll protect you from hearing that information. A person of substance doesn’t bring you bad news about you and wait for your reaction. They head it off at the pass, kill and bury it.
  22. Too much Internet research. Men used to repeatedly creep me out after revealing that they’d been cyber stalking me. “You recently rode in a 50-mile bike race, right?” How’d you know that? “Well, if you do a search, it comes up.” Eww. You read the bike race results?” I understand that we’ll all probably do a search of a person we go out with, but by golly don’t tell me about it. It’s creepy.
  23. Don’t decide what’s best for me. You’ve seen these people. “I didn’t call/invite/visit because I figured you were too busy or tired.” What a cop-out. Always show up in times of need or ask if it’s okay to show up. Don’t decide what I want to do, ask. “Well, I knew Marilyn was going to be there so I figured you wouldn’t want to go.” But you were going to meet Justin Bieber and Paul McCartney for cocktails!? Are you kidding me? Ask if I’m okay with it, don’t decide anything for me unilaterally.
  24. Won’t let your committed partner see your phone, email, or text messages. When you first start dating someone it’s not appropriate to have access to their personal devices, but when the relationship reaches a serious point, neither person should have an issue with the other glancing at their digital content on occasion. If your partner obsesses about seeing your content, that’s another thing, and reveals distrust. Distrust is one of dating’s most obvious red flags. My husband and have all the passwords and can view one another’s content anytime, thing is, neither of us want to. That’s the way it ought to be.
  25. Talk about their ex too much. So, you’re hoping to find a committed relationship and your date keeps talking about their ex, a sure sign that they are living in the past and haven’t sufficiently grieved past wounds and hurts. If they show promise in other ways, release them back into the river and call them back in a year. If they’re not yet in a committed relationship, and they’re over talking about the ex, they might have earned a green light.
  26. Put their children first no matter what. I once dated a guy who would drop our plans last minute if one of his teen children called him to do something. It would be his former spouse’s custodial weekend, but he just wouldn’t, or couldn’t, say no to giving his son a ride to the paintball store on demand. In divorce kids should always come first, but that doesn’t mean you don’t respect boundaries when it comes to them and the person you date. If you invite someone on a date, that’s a commitment. Don’t cancel on them unless your child is in an emergency. His lack of boundaries with his kids revealed codependent issues I was not willing to deal with. In search of a grounded man I could count on, I moved on.
  27. Lack of patience. Some people are in a hurry. Others take their time. If a person tries to rush you to commit, to have sex, and basically ignores your pleas and requests to move slowly, they are ridiculous. A person who values you will wait until the cows come home from Ireland if that’s how long it takes for you to open your body and/or heart. The ones who say if a person doesn’t let them have sex by date number (insert any number here), is interested more in themselves than anyone else. Ridiculous.

My message to every single adult is don’t sell yourself out and never settle. Be able to be alone, be patient in finding a compatible match. The odds that you will meet someone compatible after five or less dates are astronomically low. Date as many people as you have the time and energy for — I estimate I dated well over a hundred throughout the various periods I was single. Maybe more. That’s a large sample to select romantic partners from, and you’ll see and learn a lot! Expect that finding someone great for you will take a long time. In the meantime, work on any of your past traumas and traits that are dysfunctional like low self-esteem, self-destructive behaviors, attachment style, negative self-talk, and find a good coping mechanism that is healthy. A lot of my clients underestimate the quality of partner they can attract. Move the bar higher. Make sure any relationship enhances your life. Don’t tolerate being dragged down or controlled by anyone. Healthy people attract healthy people to their life and will not tolerate the ridiculous behaviors listed above. The key to a good relationship involves thoughtfulness, self-control, kind words and actions, and solid mental health. In the end, follow my mantra of, only spend your life with another if they’re so damn good you’d be a fool not to.

Becky Whetstone, Ph.D. is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Arkansas and Texas*, and is known as America’s Marriage Crisis Manager® . She would love your support with a follow and appreciates you sharing her work! She has worked with thousands of couples to save their marriages, and is also co-host of the Call Your Mother relationship show on You Tube, and has a private practice in Little Rock, Arkansas, and as a life coach via tele-therapy. To consult with Doctor Becky or to get on her email list so you don’t miss a thing, contact her here, or check out her web sites at www.DoctorBecky.com and www.MarriageCrisisManager.com.

*For licensure verification check Becky Whetstone Cheairs.

What my Four Marriages Have Taught Me — by a Marriage Therapist.

Link to the article on Medium: How on earth could a Marriage Therapist be married four times? Here’s how, and the lessons learned. Please share. https://lnkd.in/eFtmHgF #mentalhealth #relationships #marriage

Becky with her 4th husband, John.

I learned the hard way to have the relationship I desired all along.

One might think that a marriage therapist who has four marriages under her belt would hide her head in shame, but the most important lesson I’ve learned is to not do that. Instead, I look back on each relationship, three of which ended in divorce, to see how they helped me come to know myself. I’ve learned a lot from those experiences and more from my education and working with the thousands of people seen as a Marriage and Family Therapist. Maybe I’m trying to atone for bad decision-making, but whatever it is, I’ve gained a lot of wisdom that may help others.

Marriage One. “This is the best I can do.” Lesson: Don’t settle.

Raised by depression-era parents from the south, at 24 I felt pressure to not become an “old maid,” which is someone who can’t attract a husband and spends her life ashamed and alone. Ridiculous? Yes, but that was the culture I was brought up in. In addition, my dad told me that men were meal tickets, just “Look good, be smart and college educated, and you’ll attract the top of the heap,” he said, so that was my plan, though I shudder thinking of it now. Even though I got a college degree, I never even thought seriously of a career or of supporting myself. My family conditioned us well: They would applaud when the four daughters brought home men who were prominent with great financial potential, and condemned anyone who wasn’t, so I understood what the mission was.

From the moment I married Husband Number One, I knew I was a future divorced woman. I had pleaded with a family member the night before the wedding to help me cancel the wedding, but she said it was too embarrassing, so I should just go through with it and divorce him later — that was terrible advice!

I had loved him at one time. He introduced me to a new world … he was the only grown up I had dated — wining and dining versus going Dutch at Roy Rogers restaurants. I loved the change and being with someone who had a nice car, who had finished his education and was well into his career. His personality was a little weird, he made wise cracks constantly that didn’t sit well with me and he was obsessed with my weight, but I was already under his spell and overlooked it. Then he began to cheat, usually running back to his former girlfriend. We’d break up, and he’d find me and beg to make up. For two years there was drama, tears, and turmoil, and by the last time we broke up I had lost all feelings for him. He must have sensed he was losing me for good, because to get me back one last time he stalked me at my health club, waited to catch me in my apartment parking lot, begged me to meet him for dinner, and when I did, he proposed, and I accepted. Why? Insert self-defeating thinking: I figured I was not good enough to attract a better mate than this, that I could get my feelings back for him if I tried, and that he would never hurt me again. I was wrong on all accounts. We divorced after 16 months of marriage, when he ran off with the receptionist from his job and moved out-of-state.

Take away: Don’t ignore red flags or sell yourself short or shoot too low in the type of mate you can attract — ones who cheat repeatedly will likely always cheat, despite what they say, and the same goes for those who flake out of relationships, then beg to come back later. Don’t choose a mate to please your family, and when a person shows you who they are, believe them the first time. And, if your self-esteem is on the floor you may be willing to accept the dregs of human behavior, a form of self-sabotage.

Marriage Two: Make sure you know who you’re marrying. Lesson: Spend time getting to know someone, at least three years, as people can and will hide their dysfunctional behavior during the dating process.

Oh, how attracted and in love I was — ahh butterflies. I couldn’t imagine my heart could ever change toward Number Two, but it did, and looking back I feel he did everything he could do to change my heart. He was seductive in the beginning, very loving, enthusiastic and affectionate, and then one day about two months into our marriage and nine months into our relationship, I cozied up to him and he turned me away, beginning a trend of rejection that went on for eight years — in an instant he went from my dream man to an icy, mean, shut-down man. He was a surgeon with an ego and had to be the boss. He looked down on anyone who didn’t work as hard as he did, and began to criticize me, my choices, told me my life was a waste, and did everything he could to avoid emotional and physical connection. He was a workaholic beyond anything I have ever seen, always adding more to his plate. We had two children, who truly were miracle babies, and I did all I could to hang on. I begged and pleaded with him to get help, to find out what was wrong. He said he would, but never did, and so I became a single mom at age 35. Needless to say, after the divorce he was an angry co-parent who was exceedingly difficult to deal with.

Take away: Date someone for at least three years so you can see the patterns of their personality. Anyone can show only their best self for a year or so. Our romance was brief, and it was long distance. He was finishing his medical residency at the time and was extremely busy, so we had not spent nearly enough time together to make a marriage decision. The truth of who a person really is will show up, so give it time, marriage is a huge decision, and divorce is so awful and painful, it’s worth it to take the time to set yourself up for success.

Marriage Three. The Most Painful Lesson. Lesson: Kill your ego or die.

This was a crash course in all I still hadn’t learned in the other two relationships. When I met this man, he was a district judge. He was hilarious and beloved in the community, poised and appropriate, but it was all a public persona. My initial concern was that he seemed to pine for old girlfriends and lost relationship opportunities, somewhat like a teenage girl. I’d never heard a man talk about relationships so much, so feeling weirded out, we started off as friends. He admitted to cheating on every woman he had ever been with, and as my feelings began to turn romantic, I told myself “Our love will be different, he will be faithful to me.” Although my self-esteem was still truly horrible, my ego was pretty healthy, and it told me the lie that I was quite exceptional and a man would behave differently in a relationship with me than he had any other time.

While dating I began to experience his tumultuous moods. Everything I did reflected on him. I wrote a column in the local newspaper and if I wrote something he didn’t like, or that his many friends commented to him about, he would throw a tantrum and tell me I couldn’t do that. This was unnerving.

The judge’s father had been a US Congressman in the San Antonio area for 38 years. He was a legend and an icon; his own man. I never would have married the moody judge, but when he told me that his father was going to retire and he was going to run for his seat, my ego had to jump on the train to Washington. It was egomania catnip for me and my family, marriage to a United States Congressman. Number Three had been single for years and had always dated women 20+ years younger. I was more age appropriate and had two young children — a ready-made family to cure his reputation as a playboy, a great political move, “Surely he wouldn’t want to blow it” I said to myself.

I calculated that once he was elected Congressman he would have to behave. We married, and when we did, his attitude toward me and my kids worsened. Everything we did was a direct reflection on him, so we had to be controlled. He pitted me against the children, one of the three of us was always in his doghouse and he would refuse to be around whomever that was. If I dared to side with one my children, there would be hell to pay.

Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, he could go from charming and romantic to Satan himself, all in a nanosecond, always behind closed doors, and what triggered him could not be predicted. He would yell at me, accuse me of ridiculous things that never happened, have expectations of me that had never been communicated, like how I had not drawn a hot bath for him when he came home from Washington, though he never told me he wanted one. When angry he would not speak to me for a week or two at a time, sometimes moving in with his female cousin. And then there were other types of abuse, a time or two he shoved me on the floor as I approached to try and calm him down. One memorable evening he was hugging me when suddenly his mood turned dark and he dug his nails in my back so hard I had marks for weeks. The fact that he was now a US Congressman had not made him a better man; he was worse than he ever had been.

My children later told me they would hear him yelling at me in our bedroom and me crying. They were so scared of him and his protests when interrupted that they when we he and I were in the bedroom they would speak to us through the air conditioning vent. This breaks my heart; I should never have exposed them to such ugliness. But I literally sold my soul to the devil to have the Washington D.C. political experience, one of my greatest regrets.

From the time we married he began to talk about the fact that divorce was inevitable, and he would say this in front of friends when we were out to dinner. I didn’t want a third divorce, but I knew it was inevitable. He told all of his friends that my children and I were crazy, he hated our dogs and cats, and once beat my Chihuahua, Belle, after assuming she had defecated in his briefcase. It had been the cat. I told him it was Karma and he lunged for me, I dived into the bed and hid within the covers, holding poor Belle under me so he couldn’t hurt her again. Emotionally worn down, I searched for the courage to leave, but in the end, didn’t need it.

He left me for another woman after just over two years. After we separated, almost every dear friend I had turned their back on me and chose to remain friends with the powerful Congressman. All the prominence and rubbing elbows with the powerful, all the things my ego had worked for, was gone. My health plummeted, but things eventually improved as I started graduate school to become a Marriage and Family Therapist. Knowing I could not survive another devastating relationship, I promised myself that I would spend time in a counselor’s office and the university library figuring out the me that had allowed all of this to happen. As I began to learn about mental health, personalities, and studied what healthy relationships consist of, I came to understand that my own misguided ego had been my guide in major life decisions, keeping me from a peaceful and loving life. This brutally honest recognition of what I had done brought to the conscious level all my ego had been driven to achieve. Recognizing it and taking ownership of it killed it’s influence on me once and for all.

Take away. My shallow misery-seeking ego had to die. My ego was dedicated to upping her station by marrying high profile, successful men, all to impress herself and her egomaniac family. I had loved the men I married, but none of them were capable of a healthy adult relationships. I got into each mess by ignoring the red flags that had waved all around me when during our initial romance, being wholly ignorant of how healthy people behave. If I was to love again, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to, it had to be with someone who was commitment-oriented and emotionally mature. I was ready to accept a simple life, out of the public eye; to just learn, grow, work and support myself and my children, to be still and let life unfold.


In the years after Number Three, I learned to be happy alone. This was an important and necessary step. I learned about trauma and emotional maturity and consciously grew myself up. I lived the simple life, became a licensed counselor, and after about five years started to date again. This time I didn’t miss or ignore the red flags that waved in my face when a man showed me who he was, and there were a lot of red flags, probably in 98 percent of the men I met. I never had a boyfriend or significant other for almost 10 years, instead I concentrated on schooling and getting licensed, and being as emotionally healthy as I could.

Then I met someone. He had all the things I knew had to be there — he was kind, solid and consistent. He had been married for 25 years, and his wife had opted out of the marriage. There was no temper, flakiness, workaholism, and he had nothing to prove as far as his ego was concerned. He was solid in every way, and he adored and accepted me exactly as I was.

Marriage Four. True, mature love is gentle, comfortable, consistent.

Now I was able to apply all of my growth and relationship knowledge and skills I’d learned to have the type of loving relationship I had always wanted. When we fell in love it was calm and comfortable, like a foot slipping into the most comfortable shoe. My other relationships had been like fireworks shows that quickly burned out. Could this calm and certain feeling be real love? I came to understand that it is, that mature love is not intoxicating, but a solid attachment and connection that lasts the long term. It’s a feeling of being there for one another, two independent individuals with lives of their own, coming together to make each other’s life better together. Having been through Relationship Hell, I will never take him for granted.

I spend my days working with people who are making the many mistakes I used to make. If I can save one individual or family from relational misery or divorce, and guide them from dysfunctional to functional behavior, my many mistakes and lessons will have been worthwhile. It’s my fondest desire that no one else has to learn the hard way.

Becky Whetstone, Ph.D., LMFT, LPC is a Marriage & Family Therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor in private practice in Little Rock, Arkansas, and an LMFT in Texas.* She is a marriage crisis and relationship specialist. Visit her web site at www.doctorbecky.com. Contact her at becky@doctorbecky.com.

*To search for her license, look for her legal name, Becky Whetstone Cheairs.

From a Therapist: Seven Things You Can Do Now to Get Through the Coronavirus Pandemic.

LINK to article: https://bit.ly/NoMoreCoronaVirusWorries

This isn’t the end of the world, it’s just the beginning of changing times.

The coronavirus has changed our society and culture in a very short time, and for most of us, priorities have changed. Instead of focusing on divisive issues and how we are different, we all share now a similar problem: Figure out how to stay afloat, sane and illness-free while hunkering down in our homes in social isolation. For all of the unwanted things the coronavirus brings, there still might be something good to come of it … perhaps it’s the reset our culture so desperately needed to take the attention off of differences, while causing us to focus on how we can help one another during an incredibly difficult time and beyond.

Still, most people are experiencing some level of stress as the coronavirus spreads across the USA, which is understandable. People are experiencing reductions or loss of income or jobs, having to downsize or close businesses, kids home from school and home schooling, everyday supplies unavailable, the potentiality of a dangerous and contagious virus and all the weirdness of almost everyone staying home.

Therapists know that too many stressors or changes in a short time in a person’s life often will trigger depression and anxiety symptoms, physical illness, or both, so most of us know there has to be a lot of that going on right now. The most commonly diagnosed mental disorder, once called adjustment disorder, is now called stress response syndrome. It happens when people have difficulty adjusting to changes, and who isn’t going through at least a little of that right now? You might feel hopeless, sad, have anxiety and worry, headaches or stomachaches. Don’t be afraid to speak out if this happens to you, it’s very common and treatable. You might need a therapist to coach you into how to process this national crisis in the healthiest possible way, and if that doesn’t bring you relief, you might reach out to your family physician for medications. There is no shame whatsoever in reaching out for either of these options, or both.

On my end, I’ve put together a list of things you can do now that will help you through the coronavirus pandemic in the healthiest possible way:

1. Educate yourself with truthful and accurate information. Don’t be upsetting yourself over rumors and conjecture about the coronavirus, and don’t buy into those who would minimize concerns for political reasons. Learn what is real and worth being concerned about through reliable medical sources like the CDC and state and national department of health resources.

2. Do what you can to protect yourself from the virus. Wash your hands often, keep your distance from people, don’t touch people or your face. Stay at home as much as you can and stay connected to those you care about through phones, email, video conferencing.

3. Know what resources are available to you. Seek out and pursue what financial and medical resources are out there that may assist you in being able to take care of yourself and your family. Are there government loans that may be forgivable? Will credit, utility, banks, loan companies discount or temporarily eliminate payments?

4. Understand what worry and anxiety is. Worrying and anxiety cannot exist unless a person is focusing on the future. Many people have a tendency to imagine things that could happen that probably will never happen, so if you find yourself obsessing over the virus, or engaging in catastrophic thinking, visualize a big red stop sign to stop the thought, then consciously make yourself think about something else, preferably something that is a resource for you. Resources are things that shift you to a softer mood almost instantly, for me this might be my husband, pets or nature. Understand what you can control and what you cannot, and don’t waste time thinking about things that you can’t change.

5. Breathe. Deep long breaths will signal to your brain to relax. Anxiety and worry cause a person to tense and shallow breathe, and we want the opposite of that. Get yourself still, focus on your breath, notice the air going in and out, and voila, you won’t be able to think about the virus or anything else negative. This is how to bring yourself out of future thinking into the present.

6. Anxiety comes in waves. If you still end up getting anxiety, know that what goes up, will very soon come down, so the uncomfortable feeling is temporary. It might also help to reassure yourself that you are safe.

7. Get medical help if needed. Do not hesitate to call or visit your family doctor or local emergency clinic if you get symptoms of COVID-19. If you don’t have any symptoms and haven’t been exposed to the coronavirus that you know of, but are mentally and emotionally suffering, get therapy. Many therapists are doing phone or online therapy now, and they can help you process things in a healthy way.

There really are things we can all do to lessen negative effects of the pandemic. Be smart and well-informed, make lemonade out of lemons where you can, be positive-minded and focus on good outcomes and ride out these strange and difficult days knowing you are smart, capable, and can figure anything out that may come your way, because you can.

“Doctor Becky” Whetstone has a doctorate in Marriage and Family Therapy and is a licensed LMFT in Texas and Arkansas under her legal name, Becky Whetstone Cheairs. She also is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Arkansas under the same legal name, Becky Whetstone Cheairs. She is in private practice in Little Rock, Arkansas, and does online coaching throughout the USA and world. To reach Doctor Becky visit her web site at www.doctorbecky.com.