Hating or Loving Taylor Swift is a Litmus Test for Who We Are

The American family is on life support, star’s romance exposes the divide

Two famous, influential, and beloved people who happen to lean left attract fearful haters and conspiracy theories. Its’ what;s wrong with America. Why can’t we just let people be who they are without demonizing them? Patrick Smith/Getty Images

Our nation is falling apart. We have to do something for the American family, which, like many families, is broken and dysfunctional. Here is what one family therapist thinks …

The past eight or more years, politics in America have changed. They were already bad, don’t get me wrong. There have always been at least two sides going at each other in vehement disagreement over issues like slavery, equal rights, diversity, and acceptance. Republicans and Democrats have been tit-for-tatting one another (at American’s expense) since the beginning. But in the 1990’s the tone changed, and the Internet allowed for anyone in the country to express opinions and present news throughout a 24-hour news cycle. It became more difficult to access what news sources were presenting facts.

How it started.

In 1992 Pat Buchanan, a former White House communications director under Ronald Reagan and a media blowhard who had been running for President and lost the nomination to George H.W. Bush, declared a “culture war” on the future of America at the Republican National Convention.(1) He pinpointed abortion on demand, state-run schools, radical feminism (espoused by Hillary Clinton), homosexual rights, women in combat, prayer in public schools, climate change and environmental issues as offending trends that liberals espoused. Sound familiar? These same issue divide us today, and added to that is gun rights and immigration.

Pat Buchanan’s infamous culture wars speech in 1992. Photo Screen Captured from YouTube Video.

Bill Clinton won the election against Bush that year, but the issues have never gone away, or even been close to resolved. We still fight and disagree about the same old things, year after year. Newt Gingrich, a caustic Republican from Georgia, came on the scene as speaker of the house in 1995, after 50 years of Democratic leadership, and to say there were scores to settle after all that time is an understatement

Newt Gingrich and the way it was in 1994. Not much has changed.

In a functional family, the leader wouldn’t come out shooting at errant family members, but Congress has never been functional. Gingrich chose to rub Democrat’s nose in the poop when the Republicans finally attained power, and continually denigrated and demonized the left and everything they stand for. Roger Stone, an infamous and powerful lobbyist who gained a foothold in molding American politics beginning in the Nixon administration, and then more significantly by trading access to the Reagan administration, has played a sinister role in the state of politics today. Stone changed everything when he crossed lines that had never been crossed in politics while scheming in political backrooms. Openly lying about Democratic lawmakers and policies, he understood that people would believe falsehoods if it came from certain sources. He used lies to widen the divide between the two parties, and was the first to openly embrace extreme policies, such as the idea that America would be better off as an autocracy. His influence is widely viewed as the reason America’s divisions widened, and became more anger-provoking.

Self-professed dirty trickster Roger Stone changed the GOP strategy to winning at all costs, even if it means lying, demeaning, and bullying. Photo: Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

America’s Political System is a Dysfunctional Family.

In a former life I was married to a United States Congressman (Democrat from Texas) and attended numerous retreats, meetings, and confluences that were either partisan, or bipartisan. At the biennial bipartisan retreats, always occurring in non-election years, there would be breakout sessions with facilitators who were trying to show the two sides how to get along. I was shocked at the bitterness, hatred, and vengefulness expressed between lawmakers in those sessions, and as we all know, the well-funded efforts to get the sides to like one another has always failed, but my children sure enjoyed the weekend. In recent years, the hatred and contempt is no longer behind closed doors. Today, a visit to Donald Trump’s “free speech” social media platform known as Truth Social, firmly espouses that all Democrats are Communists (they are not), pedophiles and child traffickers (they are not), and think it’s okay to “mutilate and kill children” (they do not). I have been permanently banned on Truth Social three separate times for attempting to correct the lies told there; so much for free speech.

When a group pigeon holes another group with false accusations, nothing good will happen after that. The problem in this century is, media sources abound, and so do lies, propaganda, and conspiracy theories. Anyone on You Tube, TikToc or a podcast can become a media star, and media stars will tell you that if it is on radio, TV, or the Internet and spoken by a person of authority, a lot of people will accept what is said as truth with a capital T. As I said, I have spent a lot of time studying Truth Social and its content, for example, and as mental and behavioral health professional who teaches clients how to check their reality daily, there isn’t a lot of reality found there. Joe Biden is dead and an actor is playing him now? Come on.

One of the biggest causes of relational discord is believing things about one another that are not true. When I am dealing with individuals, couples, and families, I teach them not to assume, and to not give voice to any information unless they have the solid evidence to back it up. Any sort of conjecture or assumptions are made up crap, and meaningless.

Client: “It seems like my spouse doesn’t care about me.”

Me: Evidence?

Client: “I have none.”

Me: Do you really believe that they do not care about you? You have any evidence that perhaps they do care about you?

Client: “Uh, I know they care. I don’t know why I even said that.”

Right, it’s important to be accurate, because as soon as we accuse our family member of something that is made up and not true, they will dismiss us as ridiculous and the conversation will end right there. The same is true in politics. One side may accuse the other of wanting or believing extreme positions, and the other side scoffs in disbelief, then dismisses them as a reliable source, and in the end, we can’t communicate. If we can’t communicate, we won’t be able to understand one another, if we don’t understand one another, there can’t be empathy for the pain and frustrations experienced by both sides.

Right wing media: “Democrats want to take away your guns.”

Democrats: No, we do not. We just want sensible gun laws so guns don’t end up in the wrong hands.”

Right wing: “That’s where it starts. The next thing you know, they come for your guns.”

Democrats: (Roll eyes.). Jesus, that’s simply not true.

Fear and Taylor Swift.

I’m a therapist, and though Republican therapists do exist, most therapists are Democrats. It must also be said that just like in any party, every person has different beliefs about different things. One hundred democrats may have 100 different viewpoints, and the same is true of Republicans. Neither side should be thrown in a box as everyone-in-the-party-thinks-the-same. To do that is simply ignorant.

Why are so many therapists left-leaning? The counseling profession attracts compassionate, caring people, interested in social justice, acceptance of all human beings, and letting people be who they are. We espouse these things because we know what a person needs to be healthy mentally and emotionally — the freedom to be themselves. It is rules and conformity that destroy the human psyche, and for anyone to decide how an ideal human should be, like straight, white, religious, for example, the more they create a reality that works for maybe 30 percent of the population, leaving 70 percent to suffer. For human beings to thrive, we have to create a culture where we can all safely be our weird, quirky, imperfect, selves.

When Donald Trump came on the political scene, the underbelly of American resentment and disenfranchisement of the 30 percent was exposed. He made it okay to be grandiose, thinking you are better than others, and contemptuous, looking down your nose in contempt at others. He also made it okay to be boundary-less, unrestrained, and unedited when criticizing his fellow Americans. In marriage, these traits are predictors of divorce, and they don’t work in a society of 331.9 million Americans, either. Trump has normalized saying hateful, nasty things to people you fear, disagree with, or want to control.

Donald Trump changed the rules of discourse when he entered politics in 2016, and normalized hatefulness and contempt. Wire photo.

Our culture had been evolving for years to a more diverse, accepting one. This relieved most therapists, as more acceptance of people’s differences and more laws to protect the rights of all Americans was good for our clients who often report being treated less than by others. Trump and his Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement sought to clamp down on diversity and acceptance, and to go back in time where heterosexual, white, conservative, Christian men could dominate the laws of the land by doing what they wanted, regardless of how it affected anyone else.

The problem is, most American voters don’t want that, and Republicans know it. So how can they still win? By using what power they have to gerrymander voting districts, tightening voter laws, stack the court system with ultra-conservative judges, discouraging people from mailing in ballots, and planting the seeds that the voting system is corrupt (it isn’t) and the left cheats to win. (They don’t.)

The Republican party as influenced by Trump fear growth and change, and use the Stone-influenced tactic of demonizing their opponents to maintain power. Use any means to maintain their ends, which is power. Right wing pundits warn gullible listeners about things that might happen if they don’t vote conservatively. Fear-mongering predictions, like “They’ll take away your guns,” will never will happen, and, incidentally, Democrats don’t want that, either.

So why does the right demonize Taylor Swift, arguably the most powerful person in the music industry, and her boyfriend, Kansas City Chiefs tight end and NFL superstar, Travis Kelce? It’s a unique cultural litmus test for Americans and what they stand for, no? They are being criticized ruthlessly because they are not on their side, and a lot of people love them. Swift is a star and superpower in an industry that attracts diversity, perhaps like no other, so she understands the urgency of letting people be and express who they are. Kelce is adored and resepcted by NFL football fans, which is a huge audience, and has promoted getting vaccinated. All it takes for the right to throw hate at someone is for them to famous, influential, beloved, and left-leaning. The two are minding their own business and enjoying their love story as much as anyone can under insane circumstances, while the media foam at the mouth trying to get any news about them, even reporting when Swift likes a social media post. Getting more media attention than almost anyone, and understanding the potential Taylor Swift’s influence could have on voters, the right has been creating hateful and negative conspiracy theories to get a least part of the population to turn on them. That’s what they do. It’s their playbook.

So the right has declared that Swift is a CIA asset and psyop that must be stopped. What is a psyop? People who influence audiences for their own motives and ultimately, the behavior of government and the world. By that definition, Roger Stone is a psyop, as are thousands of other political blowhards. I would bet my left arm that Swift is not a psyop, she seems pretty busy writing and creating her music and touring around the world, but even if she is, as far as I know, no celebrity endorsement has ever swayed an election. Her or Kelce’s endorsement of Joe Biden may call attention to the candidate and give him a little free publicity for a nanosecond, but that’s about it. Though it is a risk that must weighed if a person chooses to endorse either side, the stakes are so high this time that I hope anyone who influences anybody does speak out.

The right’s relationship with women.

The right is not on good terms with the majority of American women right now. No human being wants to be controlled, and the right has done just that by appointing super conservative, pro life, Supreme Court justices who struck down Roe v. Wade and women’s right to choose. Swift is a shining example of what conservative white men fear the most, a glass ceiling busting woman in a field where for years men ruled. Not so dissimilar from Hillary Clinton, who scared the hell out of the right in the 1990s because of her intelligence, power, and influence, causing them to dedicate themselves to her downfall (They failed). Conservative white men don’t seem to like or appreciate intelligent, ambitious women of any color, and believe that the world went to hell when women began to gain power and become independent. I sometimes wonder how women like Hillary and Taylor Swift survive the onslaught of lies and negativity that comes their way for simply being who they are, but I imagine it’s because they are 1. Solid in who they are, 2. Aware that the right tears down anyone and anything that threatens their power and influence, and 3. Their ultimate goal is to return all of us to the dark ages. They only win if it takes the wind out of your sails, and the chances of these two women cowering at the right’s lies and abuse is nil.

It must be said that conservative white men determined to have things their way has destroyed most everything they have touched for ages. Ask the American Indians, the African American population, LGBT citizens, American women, and people who are not Christians or conservative, and many others. Take a look at our environment, and the beautiful land and water sources that have been destroyed.

They perceive themselves as cowboys in white hats, but for anyone not in their solid 30 percent, they are the villain. It seems that younger generations are more evolved culturally than baby boomers and generation X. They understand and want diversity and acceptance, and like a child who must caretake their older parent who isn’t as sharp as they used to be, they will save our country if they vote in November. Our world would be a lot better off if we just let people be who they are, express themselves they way they want so long as they don’t harm others, and understand that America’s pie is big enough for us all to have a nice, big piece. The way the world is now, if someone gets a nice piece of pie, we want to take and destroy the pie, and the person who is eating it.

If you believe in the energetic laws of the universe, and I do, then at the end of the day, humans are either acting out of love or fear. If it isn’t obvious that the right is mired in fear then I can’t help you. Fear blocks miracles, and love creates them. If the right sees someone on the left getting positive attention, wielding influence, and being admired or beloved, then some (white) man in a room somewhere sends out an all-points bulletin that this person must be destroyed. Never mind the karma of all that, they’re going scorched earth.

The Swift and Kelce romance has been a harmless, positive distraction for a nation bombarded with negativity and bad news. Turn on one channel and see Trump lying, bullying and denigrating people, a mass shooting, or switch and watch a beautiful, young couple and their budding love story. For most of us, seeing that is calming balm and resource that is well-needed and long overdue. I’m no Swifty, I can barely name one Taylor Swift song. I did see her Eras Tour movie, which was impressive, but not even close to my favorite movie ever. I don’t care about her personal life, but I love her as a role model for young women, and I do love watching her with Kelce when they’re at a football game or anywhere else. It makes me smile, and who doesn’t need that?

(1) http://buchanan.org/blog/1992-republican-national-convention-speech-148

Becky Whetstone, Ph.D., is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Arkansas and Texas* and is known as America’s Marriage Crisis Manager®. She is a former features writer and columnist for the San Antonio Express-News and has worked with thousands of couples to save their marriages. She can work with you, too, as a life coach if you’re not in Texas or Arkansas. She is also co-host of the Call Your Mother Relationship Show on YouTube and has a telehealth private practice as a therapist and life coach via Zoom. To contact her, check out www.DoctorBecky.com and www.MarriageCrisisManager.com. Also, here is how to find her work on Huffington Post. Don’t forget to follow her on Medium so you don’t miss a thing!

For licensure verification, find Becky Whetstone Cheairs.

How to Get Your Love To Stop Hating Valentine’s Day

5 ways to make Valentine’s Day grinches happier.

This man probably dislikes that he had to buy a gift and go to dinner with his love because of the pressure and obligation of Valentine’s Day. Let’s free our partner’s from it, and celebrate each other on other days. Photo illustration: Adobe stock/mtrlin

That made-up holiday designated for lovers is coming soon, and retail stores are filling their shelves with red and pink teddy bears, flower arrangements and heart-filled greeting cards. Restaurants are planning price-fixed menus, dinner reservations are filling up, and romantic partners across America are cringing in dread and fright as the day of I-have-to-make-a-big-deal-of-it-whether-I-feel-like-it-or-not arrives. Ever try to clip a dog’s toenails, get a child to drink cough medicine, or seen fingernails scraping across a chalk board? If so, then you can probably empathize with what it feels like for most American men, and some women, to endure Valentine’s Day, or “That damn day,” as one of my male friends calls it.

A “good” man will go through the motions and perform on that fake special day that comes this time of year, in order to avoid any negative judgment or pushback. They’ll get a box of chocolates, an expensive gift, and send a barbershop quartet to your workplace to sing “My Funny Valentine.” They’ll do what it takes to keep themselves out of the romantic dog house. and to check off that box. Something is terribly wrong with all of this, in my opinion, because a man’s heart (or any Valentine’s Day hater) is usually not into being extorted by America’s jewelry stores, fine restaurants, and advertisers who make it clear what’s expected to happen on February 14, a concocted day of forced romantic love.

Although the day was inspired by St. Valentine, no one agrees on how it all came about or why, but the first Valentine card sent occurred around 1415. My theories are the retailers of the 14th century created a day of celebration that would motivate lovers to go out and spend money on each other in the name of love, or women did it to get the men who can be lazy romantics off their backsides. No matter what its origins, people go out and spend money on things they otherwise would not buy just because if they don’t, the next day, February 15th is likely to go south.

Valentine’s Day, a day that is supposed to be the most romantic day of the year, has turned into the least romantic because of the pressure and obligation associated with it. Nothing kills romance faster than when it is concocted or forced. The best thing we can all do is admit it, free ourselves from it, and do it our way or not at all. Whatever that means.

We Americans need to change how our anti-Valentine’s Day partner’s feel about it and treat them better this February 14th. May I suggest you declare yourself governor of their heart, and as governor, you will bestow a Valentine’s Day reprieve that says they no longer have to participate, aka go through the motions, on that most dreaded day of the year?

When I was dating my husband, I told him the day meant nothing to me, and so there was no need to do anything unless he just wanted to, and I really meant it. If he wants to something thoughtful for me, I’d rather it be organic or spontaneous, and not orchestrated. When I was a very young adult and quite self-oriented, I delighted in watching my romantic partner pull out all the stops with romantic gestures on my behalf on Valentines Day. After that, I was single a long time, and used to watch women at work get all sorts of huge flower arrangements, musical performers, elaborately wrapped gifts, and other forms of hoopla. Why didn’t their partners send these things to their home instead of work? Come on, to make single people like I was reflect on what was really going on, and to learn how to hate the day that celebrates happy couples, while one person puts on a show for their partner because they don’t want to deal with what happens if they don’t. I grew up, and no longer needed red roses and public displays of caring. I prefer the ones that come day after day, no matter the day.

In those days, one of my best friends got a delivery to her office she’d never forget — served with divorce papers. Now that was creative. I wonder if it cost extra? That was when I realized that Valentine’s Day could be used by some to stick a knife in someone’s heart and twist it.

If you really want sincere romance, thoughtfulness and expressions of love, exonerate your romantic partner from having to compete with thousands of others who begrudgingly pay inflated prices so their romantic relationship might survive to see another day. Take my extremely wise advice and you will certainly turn the tables of your person’s attitude and get true loving gestures instead of the kind only credit cards can buy. Here are the five ways:

1. If you do anything on that day, treat the day like it’s their birthday, not yours. That’s right … put the focus completely on them. What would they choose to do on this day that would make them grin from ear-to-ear and feel loved? How could Valentine’s Day become truly special, with unique rituals that cost little or no money and involve zero materialism? Would they want to spend a day or evening of focused attention and love with you? Go on a picnic? Have you written a letter to them and read it to them aloud about things you enjoy about them? Ask yourself what you could do for them that would make them feel loved. Indulge them and watch a heart once frozen by Valentine’s Day pressure melt into warming embers fueled by complete freedom from pressure and obligation.

2. Absolutely insist that they send or give you nothing at all. Please free them from this. Come on, we all know the cupids and hearts are ridiculous marketing tools anyway, don’t we? Tell him if he really wants to do something, make certain it costs nothing and doesn’t involve competing with the myriad of other people who are spending to their credit limit while retailer’s foam at the mouth. Perhaps try a five-minute shoulder rub or soft conversation about what you mean to each other.

3. Don’t gloat, promote, or demote. Be fervently loyal and protect your love from the stories and fish tales people tell about what their love did AND didn’t do for them on Valentine’s Day. Hear this: no matter how great it was or wasn’t, and even if you feel neutral, don’t talk. Guard them and their honor as if it is a $1 million gold bar, because it is. We have all seen those who demean another’s Valentine’s Day effort or lack thereof, and this is part of the reason people hate it so much — it isn’t a day of competition and who-did-what. Lay low, stay under the Valentine’s Day radar. Let others be the fools who put themselves out because of peer pressure and obligation.

4. Empathize. A heck of a lot of people simply are not natural romantics. Especially Caucasian men from the USA. Sorry, guys, but your culture has conditioned you to quell emotions and shut off vulnerability. For men who are shut down romantically, Valentine’s Day is a day they want to be somewhere else. It makes some people feel inept, inadequate, and like an idiot. Why try to force a fish to walk down the street in swim trunks? Enthusiastically let your person be themself, and if you want them to be more romantic, you can work on that. Too many women throw their man under the love boat bus for not being Fabio or Don Juan, which paralyzes them from even wanting to attempt the idea of romance at all.

5. Ask not what your partner can do for you, but what you can do for your partner. Adopt this mantra on Valentines Day and every day, and watch your relationship go from fizzle to sizzle. In the end, love your person every day, just the way they are. Don’t waste money buying him a teddy bear holding a heart that will soon be sold at a garage sale. (Whoever thought that was going to warm any person’s heart must have been out of their mind.) Instead, just let him know how glad you are that they’re in your life and show it through whatever makes the man’s heart sing.

In the end, Valentine’s Day should be a day for children to enjoy, not adults. Children taking their little Valentine’s cards and decorated boxes to school, and reading all the signatures are sweet, innocent expressions of caring, who wouldn’t love that? The cupcakes and cupids were meant for them. And maybe even the teddy bears holding a heart. I still cherish the memories of those days, and the simple joys. Happy Valentine’s Day! Now go do it your way. Or not.

Becky Whetstone, Ph.D., is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Arkansas and Texas* and is known as America’s Marriage Crisis Manager®. She is a former features writer and columnist for the San Antonio Express-News and has worked with thousands of couples to save their marriages. She can work with you, too, as a life coach if you’re not in Texas or Arkansas. She is also co-host of the Call Your Mother Relationship Show on YouTube and has a telehealth private practice as a therapist and life coach via Zoom. To contact her, check out www.DoctorBecky.com and www.MarriageCrisisManager.com. Also, here is how to find her work on Huffington Post. Don’t forget to follow her on Medium so you don’t miss a thing!

For licensure verification, find Becky Whetstone Cheairs.

Stepfamily Drama: What To Do About Your Spouse’s Nasty Ex

Dealing with your spouse’s vindictive, toxic, former spouse.

As the new member of the family, you can fuel or diffuse ex-spouse drama. Think about what’s best for the children, hold your fire, and get therapy. Image: Adobe Stock/Zimmytws

If you read my work on divorce, you already know that I discourage individuals from considering a new life and relationship with someone who has small or young children and shared child custody with their ex. Life and marriage with a new partner are hard enough without adding a spouse’s ex and children, who probably want little or nothing to do with you. Still, evidence shows that few people listen to me and go ahead and dive head first into blending a family, telling themselves the lie that it will be a love fest complete with rainbows and butterflies, but stepfamily fantasies are just that, fantasies. Now that you’re in it, you find yourself dealing with an uncooperative, unreliable, nasty, vindictive, toxic ex, and you want me to tell you what to do about it. Other than to say, “I told you not to do it,” I will do my best to help you navigate the land mines that co-parenting and remarriage almost always bring.

If your relationship began as an affair …

If you are now married to a person you had an affair with, dealing with the ex and parent of your stepchildren will likely be a hellacious experience loaded with negative feelings. Even the most mature and healthy former partner will likely view you with contempt, and justifiably so. Yes, your new partner is equally guilty, but they won’t receive one-tenth of the ire you will; that’s human nature. The bottom line is there is no fairness to be found when perceived as a home wrecker. Are you mature enough to face the harsh judgment that comes from having a romance with a married person? Is your love for your new partner and their children worth the possible verbal and emotional abuse you will likely face from a bitter ex wife or husband, mutual friends, family? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t condone nasty behavior between humans, but as I said, people don’t often take my relationship counsel to heart. In the end, people do what they want based on their own mental and emotional development at that point in time. I can only make you see or do something if you are ready to receive it. Just like a pastor on Sunday mornings, I preach healthy behavior and look to inspire people to raise the level of their interactions, and then the congregation goes home and sweeps the things I said under the rug or uses bits and pieces of the message, and often only for a few days.

The only way to handle your situation is to accept your position as a villain or bad guy to the ex, not fight it, facing it with humility. In other words, take ownership of your part in breaking apart a family with children and the raw and bitter feelings that those who were negatively affected by it likely feel. You don’t need to explain or defend your actions, like cough medicine; it wouldn’t go down well. If you choose to face the judgment with a nasty attitude and protect your fragile ego with snarky 14-year-old behaviors, then you will underline and bold what the ex already believes about you, that you are a heartless, self-centered person worth holding in contempt. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not; the ex will think it is, and this will poison interactions with you until the end of time. Turn to your empathy here, realizing that even though the couple may have had a terrible marriage that should have ended, and this person is simply a jealous ex-wife or husband, you will be forever known as the person who broke up a family. The best way to handle it is not to run from it. Don’t defend or justify; just take ownership of the idea, “I did something that was wrong,” and leave it at that.

If you met your spouse after their divorce …

If you were not part of an affair, you might have an easier time, but that does not mean it will be an easy time. Think of it this way: there was an original family unit with two parents and their children. You are the new kid in town, the square cog that faces long-established round holes. Your arrival will take getting used to, which will take a long time and may never happen. Ask yourself now what stance you could take in this situation that gives your new relationship a fighting chance and does the most to create an atmosphere of peace among the group. Laying low and standing back might be a smart way to do it.

I remember reading about Hillary Clinton in 2000 when she was elected to the United States Senate. When she arrived, she was one of the most famous women in the world. She had also been America’s First Lady and Arkansas’s First Lady. She had achieved many wonderful things in both of those roles, as well as on her own as a policy influencer, advocate for children, and as a primary breadwinner and lawyer. Imagine had she arrived among some of the most arrogant and powerful people in the world, United States Senators, and had an attitude? What if she had demanded an equal voice and place at the table from day one? Hillary is a politician, if nothing else, and political people consider the long-term ramifications of their actions. She knew the only way she might ever be taken seriously and accepted was to lay low, like a student who needed to learn from more experienced teachers. She might have been smart enough to teach the Senate’s old guard herself, but she knew that was not in anyone’s interest. She sat back, learned, paid her dues, and then earned her seat at the table through hard work and respect for others. This is a good example of how the stepparent should approach their new life as an outsider in a previously formed family. Outsiders must practice diplomacy, earning stripes over time through kindness, respect, and a sincere wish for the newly formed family to succeed. The divorced parent who has great potential to be a thorn in your back side is part of a package deal as a member of your new family, for better or worse.

I have told new stepparents, who cried on my shoulder at the unfairness of it all, that I believe the only stance that works in that role is that of an always loving, agreeable, diplomatic, accepting super-human who never goes low. Go low with angry feelings once in a new blended family, whether with the children or the ex-spouse, and your fate of not being accepted will be sealed. It is an impossible feat at best, but it is what is needed. My children’s dad remarried not long after our divorce, and my stance was that I wanted us to all get along for the sake of the children. I appreciated that now the children were coming home clean and with their hair combed; I saw her positive influence. However, I wanted to interact with my former spouse, not the stepmom when it came to the children. She would only earn my full respect and appreciation if she were kind and generous to my children. She wasn’t always, but her role was impossible at best, and I felt sorry for her in many ways. She did a lot of the work that children require, being driven around, doctor’s appointments, and meals, but she got little of the parental credit. I wouldn’t want that gig. When our son was killed in Afghanistan at age 24 in 2011, only the biological parents were included in the planning and the ceremonial aspects guided by the military, and she had to sit off by herself while we were comforted, honored, and treated with caring and dignity. I’m sure that hurt her very much.

Dealing with the ex.

You can’t control anyone but yourself, so understand that you cannot repair, fix, or change an ex who doesn’t respect you as a member of their extended family. I would hope that you would have seen the ex was difficult before you decided to sign up to be in their family and made your marital decision accordingly. Any way to look at it, you’re in a tough situation. My best advice is to do everything you can for yourself to get through it in one piece. Get professional help, they will give you all the sympathy, empathy, and emotional support you could ever need. Ask your partner to deal with their ex wife or husband directly, and leave you out of it as much as possible. Trouble may lie for you in how you and your new spouse agree or disagree on handling the relationship with the father or mother of their children, and the children themselves. I have seen this one issue take down a couple who loved each other very much. Once again, I encourage you not to count on your spouse handling things in the way you would hope. Look at it from their point-of-view: they are also in a tough situation, riding the line between keeping you happy and trying to have a decent co-parenting relationship with their ex. They also want their children to do well after a very tough family situation. The more you interfere or try to control any of it, the worse things will be. The mental and emotional health of the former couple’s children is at stake. If a spouse has to choose between you and their children because of demands you make, prepare to pack your bags. Even though the saying happy wife, happy life is somewhat true, most parents will not sacrifice their children so their new spouse can be happy. It’s part of the second-class citizenry that comes with the role of stepparent. After divorce, kids must come first over everything else until they are grown. Hopefully, you are patient and can understand your time will come, eventually. Also, hopefully, your spouse will be mindful of how difficult your role is and will put you first when the children aren’t around. Even in this impossible role, you still should have enough love and attention to get you through the tough times.

If your spouse is too accommodating to their ex.

Most people who divorce still care about each other on some level. A lot of people who remarry understand that physical and emotional boundaries must be put in place once they have a new spouse. There can be no hanging out without your new spouse present, and your spouse should not jump every time their children’s parent beckons. If this is happening in your life, I am so sorry. You can complain to your spouse, but clearly, they are torn between what is best for their children and what is best for you, and guilt may be causing them to engage in all sorts of unhealthy boundaries. You will probably have a hard, if not impossible time, convincing them to do the hard work that boundary setting involves. This is why it is crucial that you visit a family therapist together and let the professional lay out the reasons why what they are doing is not healthy for anyone in the family. It always angers clients when their spouse’s will listen to me, and not listen to them, when we both are saying the same thing, but it’s true that an experienced professional’s opinion often carries more weight. It also helps that the errant spouse knows that the therapist has no skin in the game and simply wants what’s best for the family.

If your spouse refuses to set the boundaries, then you will have problems, indeed. It is situations like these, involving a previous marriage, that account for the 75 percent divorce rate of second marriages.

The Disarming Technique — the way to stop jerks in their tracks.

One of the most profound things I ever learned as a therapist was from psychiatrist Dr. David Burns, who came to Texas to teach a workshop to the Texas Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. He had just written a book full of important things for helping couples called Better Together. Burns is a prolific researcher and adjunct clinical professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine. To say he is respected in the therapy world would be an understatement. During the workshop, he told us two things that have stuck with me … you cannot do couples therapy unless both parties agree to approach it with an attitude of humility, without pride or being better than, (which literally almost never happens), and two, there is a way to deal with difficult people that works every time he calls the disarming technique.

As far as the humility question, Burns said he asks couples if they could throw their pride and egos out the window in order to do marriage therapy, and if they said no, the session would end right there or they’d talk about something else, like football. Although the story is kind of humorous, it really underscores how relational compromise is impossible to achieve between two people, married or not, if not approached with an attitude of “I am here to listen, learn, grow, and ready to take ownership of my part in what’s not working.” The same is true when you’re dealing with a manipulative ex-wife or husband.

If I haven’t made the point clearly enough, I am asking spouses who are stepparents to approach their spouse’s ex with humility; that is what this whole blog is about. It’s the only thing that works when you have a bone to pick with someone that you can’t remove from your life for whatever reason. For any chance of success, you must be the better person and focus on the removal of your ego, any temptation to have a bad attitude, and a need to be right. Just control your side of it, be respectful, and in time, you might be accepted. You do this for the higher good of all parties. Taking the high road and admitting when you’re wrong all work in your favor in life, trust me.

If your spouse’s ex is a royal pain, the best thing you can do is let your husband or wife deal with them exclusively, as I said above. Don’t complain with how they do it, or judge if they are too nice or too nasty. Let them handle it their way. If you must have direct contact with your spouse’s ex, and they are not always on their best behavior, the Disarming Technique will come in handy. Here’s how it works:

No matter what negative junk the ex-spouse says to you or about you, whether meaning to cause harm or not, you will agree with all or a part of whatever it is they are saying, even if you don’t agree with it. I use it all the time, and think of it as a game. Example: My husband comments that I have a tendency to be messy, I overrule the instinct to be defensive or throw him a tit-for-tat response, and instead say, “Yes, I do have a tendency to be messy. It’s not my favorite thing about myself.” When this happens, the tension that was building toward a confrontation immediately deflates and the whole thing becomes a nothing burger. That’s how it works.

I used it on a rustic walking trail not long after the conference in Texas. Normally, I could take my dogs out there, unleash them, and let them do what dogs do, without ever running into another person over the course of 60 minutes. But one day, I did encounter a gentleman who had his dogs on a leash, and of course, my dogs started barking and being obnoxious. The man raised his eyebrows, his body stiffened, and I could see the whites of his eyes, “You are supposed to have your dogs on a leash!” he said aggressively. “You are breaking the park rules!” The average person would say something nasty back, but I was ready with the disarming technique and wanted to try it out.

“You are right,” I said. “I am breaking the rules, and I will put my dogs on their leashes immediately. I am so sorry that I caused you any distress. Please forgive me.”

As Burns promised, the man disarmed immediately. His body loosened, his face softened, and he smiled and waved. “No problem at all, have a great day!” As Burns said in the workshop, when the person first confronts, they think you’re an asshole, after the disarming technique is implemented, their viewpoint completely changes to a positive one. I love it.

If what I have recommended still doesn’t satisfy you …

I can hear the voices of clients past saying, “But Becky, she tells everyone she sees that I’m a bitch and a whore. She works to get the children to hate me. How can I get her to stop?” I understand. But there really isn’t anything you can do. If you let her know you hate it, she will probably be pleased. The role of a stepmother, or stepfather, is to focus on what is in the best interest of the children, and keep your new marriage intact. She can tell her children you are a witch, but don’t be a witch at home with your new family. Be kind and generous. If what the mom says about you is never witnessed by them, and you relentlessly treat them with respect and foster an amicable relationship, they eventually won’t give what their mother says much value. You have to hang in there and be the last (good) person standing. The most important thing you can do is control your side of the relationship with a difficult ex-spouse and never go negative. It’s hard, I wouldn’t want to do it, but it’s the only thing that works.

One last thing.

I’ve had hundreds of clients tell me they had a wonderful stepparent who enhanced their life beyond words. They tell me how much they loved and appreciated these angels in disguise, who came into someone else’s children’s lives and treated them with love, respect, and caring. Sometimes they felt more loved by the stepparent than their biological parents. These stories help me find hope in the possibilities of what a stepparent can be and mean to a child. You can be a good friend, someone who is nonjudgmental they can count on, you can show them first-hand what a good relationship is. Mutual caring and respect. Kindness. Grace.

You may have signed up for one of the hardest jobs there is within a family, and there will be hard times. Calm communication, love, generosity. They will see it, remember it, and cherish it. Healthy relationships are possible, if we take the high road.

Becky Whetstone, Ph.D., is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Arkansas and Texas* and is known as America’s Marriage Crisis Manager®. She is a former features writer and columnist for the San Antonio Express-News and has worked with thousands of couples to save their marriages. She can work with you, too, as a life coach if you’re not in Texas or Arkansas. She is also co-host of the Call Your Mother Relationship Show on YouTube and has a telehealth private practice as a therapist and life coach via Zoom. To contact her, check out www.DoctorBecky.com and www.MarriageCrisisManager.com. Also, here is how to find her work on Huffington Post. Don’t forget to follow her on Medium so you don’t miss a thing!

For licensure verification, find Becky Whetstone Cheairs.