I know why Congress is the most dysfunctional family in the USA — I was there.

Before I married a man who would become a Democratic United States Congressman in 1998, (from Texas’s 20th Congressional District), I only knew what I’d learned in eighth grade civics class about the United States House of Representatives. When we got to Washington in January 1999, the Republican impeachment managers were trying to bring down Bill Clinton, though before that Democrats and Republicans had been locked in a bitter divide over other things. Ever hopeful that one day we would all be able to get along, I quickly learned why that could never be.
In our first weeks there, we both went to orientations for incoming congressmen and their families, where we learned all the ethical rules, the dos and don’ts, tips on how to manage two households and how to get the absolute cheapest airline tickets without breaking any rules. We traveled to the John F. Kennedy School of Government in Boston to be schooled in issues of the day, and about a year later, we went on a Bipartisan Congressional Retreat hosted every non-election year by the Congressional Institute, a nonprofit organization created in 1987 to encourage members of Congress to discuss issues in a civil manner. Who wouldn’t want to go on an almost all-expenses paid luxury vacation with your kids, be protected the entire time by Capitol Police in a Hotel Resort that had been blockaded by police so the public and press could not get in. We were in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and our kids got to run the halls of the entire place in total safety. Young, dynamic college kids were watching after them, there was free candy piled everywhere and so many entertaining things for them to do — pinball and arcade games, karaoke booths, sports competitions … that my son exclaimed, “This is the most fun I have ever had in my life!”
While the kids played, what did the adults do? We were hauled off to do group therapy with members of the other party. There were about 10 democrats and 10 republicans and their spouses sitting in a circle in each room. We were given the rules of engagement for the conversations, and then a facilitator brought up the topics. Those topics, by the way, totally ignored the true issues of the day that divided the parties, and stayed on more benign subjects. I just kept thinking, “What a waste of time this is.”
So, within a year of arriving there, I learned that any sort of reconciliation or future compromising behavior would not be in the cards now, or most probably, ever.
Some of the lawmakers in our group had served a long time, and they reported that there was a lot of history of mistreatment by each party to the other over the years. One Republican said he would never forgive the many years of Democratic leadership of the past. In the past 100 years, for example, Democrats have had the majority 65 of those years. “You would never compromise with us, you bullied us, forced unwanted policies down our throats, wouldn’t give us a voice on any issue, and now that we have control you are squealing cry-babies because you’re getting a dose of your own medicine. We know that if we worked with you, that it wouldn’t make a difference in the future. if you ever got control again, you’d go back to being bullies all over again, so forget it.”
Wow, I was stunned. And then the bickering intensified, the facilitator tried to calm everyone down, and nothing meaningful was ever achieved. Spouses sat quietly. It was obvious from the start that the lawmakers didn’t want to be hearing comments from the peanut gallery.
I was thankful for this moment, because I really do think that the republican Congressman explained it all in a nutshell. You treated us badly for years, so now we will, and that is what goes down in the House of Representatives. Exactly like a crazy and dysfunctional family who won’t cooperate on principal, there was too much wounded pride and ego on both sides to just drop the needless standoffs and say, “You know what, we’re hurting America, why don’t we work together for a change?”
Every time there is a new majority in the House, new wounds are piled on top of the old. The immaturity exhibited by each side, the abuse, disrespect, manipulation, have become an endless circle of spoiled brats forcing their wishes on the underdog. It will never end.
I ended up only being in Washington for three years. The Congressman and I got a divorce, and the political adventures ended for me. I did get just enough of a taste to see how it works, to see how fundraising and lobby money spoils the true reason everyone is there, how the leadership of each party tells their little minions (the Congressional flock) what to do, and if they don’t do it, they’ll run people against them in the primary. I saw what a ridiculous and hopeless system it is altogether.
After this, I went to graduate school, studied Marriage and Family Therapy, and learned how to read and analyze families, their communications, and then to teach them how to do it in a healthier way. I realized in this process that not only is the House of Representatives behaving in a dysfunctional and immature way, so is the United States in dealing with other countries, as are many people and institutions we rely on in our world. What would be a solution to change the negative patterns, and have a Congress that can communicate and compromise in a healthy way?
The only solution I see is to vote every single one of them out so that there is no past history or bad blood, bring in new strategies for party leadership that are not dictator-like and punitive when the lawmakers don’t “go along.” Allow members to be who they are, and fight for what they believe in, regardless of what party leaders say or want. Is it a pipe dream? Maybe, but I keep telling myself that if the families I work with can do it, so can our lawmakers.