Little Rock, Arkansas’ Marriage Counselor and Therapist
Life Coach to the world! Online coaching available now by Zoom and phone!!!
Terry Real-trained!! Using his Relational Life Model to change the way couples interact!!
Most recent blog on Harry, Meghan and the Royal Family!
Facebook’s Doctor Becky Whetstone Cheairs, marriage crisis coach @MarriageCrisisManager
Follow her on Twitter @DoctorBecky
Becky Whetstone on Google Plus
Watch videos on Doctor Becky’s You Tube Channel!
Psychotherapy, counseling & life coaching services for
Individuals, Adolescents, Couples, & Families …
Face-to-face therapy in Arkansas, Face Time and Skype therapy with clients
throughout the USA and the world!
Expert in marriage & relationship tweaking, FAMILY THERAPY, marital crisis, the divorce decision.
“If your relationship is in trouble, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve researched how marriages fail, I understand what’s going on, and I have answers that will help you through your worry and confusion. ” — Dr. Becky Whetstone
Welcome to, Dr. Becky Whetstone’s cyber office that is dedicated to providing information about maintaining and maximizing your mental health, as well as how to live a joyful and abundant life.
Speaking of living a joyful and abundant life, have you achieved all that you are hoping for? Do you even know what YOU are looking for? Are you living the life you want to be living? Do you know who you are and what brings you joy? Are your relationships all you want them to be? If the answer is yes, congratulations. If it’s no, then maybe we can help.
Becky sees individuals 16-years-old and above, as well as couples, and families. She also organizes groups, workshops, and seminars. In addition to talk therapy, Becky offers alternative forms of healing therapy such as hypnotherapy & relaxation therapy.
So how does a person know if he or she needs professional counseling? To find out, Becky suggests asking yourself the following questions:
- Do I know who the real me is?
- Do I live life using a facade?
- Am I afraid for people to know the real me?
- Do I lead a joyful life?
- Am I finding it difficult to pursue goals or to reach my potential?
- Am I stressed, depressed, or unable to cope?
- Do I have turmoil-filled relationships?
- Do I feel fear, shame, doubt, guilt, anger over past issues?
- Do I feel my life is not moving forward?
- Do I make decisions in my life based on fear, shame, doubt, guilt and anger?
- Have I lost the energy to do much of anything?
- Do I involve myself in relationships that weigh me down instead of lift me up?
- Do I feel I am not good/smart enough?
- Am I unhappy in my relationships?
- Am I unwilling to emotionally connect in relationships?
- Am I afraid to be alone?
- Do I stay in unhappy relationships because of my fear of being alone?
- Do I do things to please others instead of myself?
- Do I mold myself to be who others think I should be, instead of just showing the world the real me?
- Do I have lots of ideas but little or no motivation or follow through?
If you are experiencing any of these issues, chances are you would benefit from psychotherapy, relaxation therapy or a combination of the two. Becky works WITH her clients to decide what will work best for them.
It is exciting for a psychotherapist to be flexible in the therapeutic process,” says Whetstone. “I personally don’t believe in the one-size-fits-all method of doing counseling. Some counselors work from one theory … I take ideas from a wide variety of theories and do whatever it takes to promote understanding and healing.”
Think about this – the body is like a garbage receptacle that collects negative energy and emotions – when was the last time you cleaned out the mess? Leaving unprocessed emotions inside is what, in many cases, causes depression, anxiety, and discontentment. It affects your relationships and your health.
Our bodies are sensitive, and if we hold emotional “stuff” inside long enough, we will surely begin to notice it in the form of migraines, body aches, stomach upsets, lack of energy, or other health problems. Do you have health issues that a doctor has been unable to find a cause for? If so, it is likely that your interior issues have taken hold, so why wait another day to get healthy?
Becky recommends processing issues whether you have a little tweaking to do, worry about troubling problems or behavioral patterns, or whether you’re emotionally distraught.
“I specialize in working with those who are suffering from severe emotional devastation,” she says. “I want to get you on the fastest road to healing in a compassionate and caring atmosphere.”
Important news!!! Now accepting new clients.
Twice Monthly Zoom Webinars with Doctor Becky – fun, informative, and educational.

Let’s help each other improve our lives as individuals and in relationships. Our first talk will be about the upcoming New Year and whether it creates any motivation in you and why.
Let’s talk!! Here’s your chance to get involved with a group of people who want to have better lives and relationships — join us every other week through the end of March 2024.
Zoom with Becky!! We will have 45-minute conversations every two weeks on Zoom through the end of March — Fridays at noon CDT — about what you have on your mind regarding relationships. Charge $50/per, limit 100 participants. If you’d like to join us, sign up below.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Dec 29, 2023 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Conversations with Doctor Becky Whetstone.
Register in advance for this webinar, cost $50/per:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Becky Whetstone, Ph.D., is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Arkansas and Texas* and is known as America’s Marriage Crisis Manager®. She is a former features writer and columnist for the San Antonio Express-News and has worked with thousands of couples to save their marriages. She can work with you, too, as a life coach. She is also co-host of the Call Your Mother Relationship Show on YouTube and has a private practice in Little Rock, Arkansas, as a life coach via Zoom. To contact her, check out and Don’t forget to follow her on Medium so you don’t miss a thing!
For licensure verification, find Becky Whetstone Cheairs.
DOCTOR BECKY NO LONGER ACCEPTS BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD INSURANCE OR INSURANCE OF ANY KIND. Because of the impossible red tape of filing insurance, we have stopped accepting Blue Cross. Those who have been using their BCBS insurance may still use it until the last day of November, 2022. Private pay prices for the time being have been reduced to $190 for 55 minute sessions with individuals, couples and families.
DOCTOR BECKY’S NATIONAL WEB SITE DEDICATED TO MARRIAGE CRISIS MANAGEMENT. The site you are on serves Becky’s private practice clients who visit her face-to-face, and who also seek online counseling and couple’s therapy. The new site serves the USA, Canada and the world, and its purpose is to educate people about relationships and to provide emergency coaching and consulting for those experiencing marriage crisis. Find it here:, and tell all your friends!
SUBSCRIBE TO DOCTOR BECKY’S YOU TUBE CHANNEL AND WATCH “Call Your Mother.” Doctor Becky has been in the studio with her daughter Casey Marie Schmidt making entertaining, fun and informative videos about how to be a healthy adult, and how to thrive in life and relationships. Upcoming shows scheduled with well-known authors of sibling relationships and stepfamilies. Please check out the page and subscribe TODAY!
DOCTOR BECKY IS A HUFFINGTON POST AND MEDIUM BLOGGER! Anyone who knows Doctor Becky knows her dream is to change the world by writing about how to have healthy relationships! In the 1990s she was a relationship columnist for the San Antonio Express-News, and since then she has written occasionally for other, smaller venues. Recently the Huffington Post, a national online newspaper, asked for a few quotes form Doctor Becky, and afterwards she was invited to blog. Stay tuned to all of her blog posts here and in the Huffington Post Relationship section, and on Medium. You can also like her on Facebook on the page, Marriage Crisis Manager, Twitter @DoctorBecky and Google+.
MARRIAGE MARATHONS – HALF DAY or FULL DAY SESSIONS. Ever wonder who does unique, creative, half-day or all-day couple’s intensives right here in Little Rock? Look no further. Becky does it, and highly recommends that couples carve out the time to have this amazing experience. “If every couple would do the half-day mini marathon for the first visit we can get so much more done,” says Becky. “It really helps to have that much time together in one long block.” To learn more, click here.
QUESTIONS? If you have a question you want answered on this site, visit our “Contact Us” page by clicking here now, or e-mail at Note: Please understand that Becky receives many questions and answers as many as possible as time allow … if you send a question and it is answered, you agree that it may be published on this or any web site associated with Becky Whetstone, with the understanding that she will change your name and details that might be used to identify you in order to maintain your confidentiality.