Why The Words Selfless and Selfish Need to be Removed from the English Language.

When you give to others without giving to yourself you will suffer.

They discourage self care and keep us from thriving.

The American culture has dysfunctional beliefs and values that affect and injure us all, and two that have especially limited people’s ability to thrive are the toxin-packed adjectives selfless and selfish. Our society perpetuates the idea that individuals of highest character are those who are selfless, doing absolutely nothing for themselves, and the lowest form, the selfish, because they do. Another word that can go away while we’re at it, is deserve.

As a therapist I see depressed, anxious, depleted clients every day. They weave stories of choices and decisions using terms like:

“This is going to sound really selfish, but I …”, or,

“I know I should just do X, but that’d be selfish/greedy (or put any guilt-provoking term here).

To get a client to believe that doing for yourself, even being generous to yourself, and saying no to things you would really prefer not doing, is not selfish, but actually healthy and necessary self-care, is one of the steepest hills we’ll climb. Far too many people just won’t buy it because it has been drilled into their heads by numerous sources over many years that it’s wrong to do things just for you, and right to do all you can for others.

The brain-washing messages stream in from family, friends, religion, schools, the media … you should only get things you absolutely need, be pragmatic. Nothing indulgent for you unless you’ve toiled, suffered, sacrificed. “Oh, you took a vacation to Tahiti? Well, you worked so hard last semester with school, community service, nursing a sick family member, and a full time job, you deserve it.”

We’ve learned not to share news of good fortune and self-generosity unless we first mention the suffering that made us worthy of it.

Well, I have news for you — we all deserve trips to Tahiti whether we lift a finger or not, but society says it is pure narcissism, entitlement and self-indulgence to be wonderful to you unless you’ve earned a reward. We are told it is better to give than receive, and when you die, the goal is to be described by all who knew you as a selfless, sacrificing person who has earned an eternal break in heaven.

Emphatically, with all of the passion I can muster, I tell you that those ideas are hideously wrong and misguided. We all “deserve” everything good and wonderful, all the time.

The “suffer for others and give, but never receive” model is a guaranteed recipe for suffering. Self-care, my friends, is the most important thing any person can do, period. Nourishing yourself in mind, body and spirit is the only healthy way to live, keeping yourself filled with the things that bring you joy, pleasure and contentment. This will keep your emotional bank account in the black, leaving you energized and excited about life, and only then will you be able to bring your best self to others, in a moderate balance of playing, sitting, working, pondering, breathing — yes, help others if you can and really want to, then relax and nourish yourself again.

We have to teach ourselves that we were born to want and need things, it’s our nature, and it is OK and innate to want and need things when we’re grown. My rule of thumb is I can do whatever I want so long as it is respectful to myself and my marriage. I tell my clients how I traded in a perfectly good car recently for a tripped-out Jeep that features an electric fold-back roof. This new car makes my heart sing. I did not need the Jeep, I wanted it. It cost a lot, I could afford it and do not need to justify the purchase to anyone. People that attempt to rain on my Jeep parade get met with a, “I love it and it brings me joy,” and that’s all I have to say about it. This concept amazes most, and it’s not the only generous thing I’ll do for myself this year and in the future.

My self-care regime is so good that I end up running around with a sparkle in my eye and bounce in my step, all the result of being so good to myself. I exercise and feed myself healthy foods, that I cook, and my soul loves it. I say no to things that would take my peace away, unless it’s unavoidable like taxes and dental visits. My clients, on the other hand, are miserable because they are trying to be everything to everyone else, and nothing to themselves. They have become human pack mules carrying an impossible load, and give themselves the crumbs of life if there are any left. They don’t get physical checkups often if ever, and they throw filler-filled foods and snacks into their bodies, and quite a few drink, smoke or medicate their miseries away. When family and friend’s expectations and requests come in, they will be there, even if it’s a pain in the backside, they have to drop what they were doing, or costs them financially. They’ll do it even when tired and emotionally spent. Their friends and families know they can count on these people in this way and will take advantage of them and their inability and unwillingness to say no.

What the selfless are not telling you, but they tell me, is they took a day off of work where they are self-employed getting paid per client to accommodate you, then did not make enough to pay all their bills last month. You weren’t the only person they did that for. And why?

“I don’t want to disappoint anyone, people give me grief if I don’t do what they want or need me to do. They say things that make me feel guilty. It’s easier to just do the stuff and be broke and exhausted.”

Do they resent doing all of these things? Absolutely.

One client who couldn’t pay her bills because she was so dedicated to being there for people was told by me that this was her choice to manage her life this way, completely her fault, and not the fault of the people who ask and expect. People can ask for and expect lots of things from me, but they won’t get anything unless I agree, and I won’t agree if it is not healthy for me. Setting boundaries like I do for myself is a crucial part of self care, obviously, but my clients will say that saying no to anyone whether the person is demanding, needing, or wanting is mean, which is another dysfunctional concept that needs to be expunged from our thought processes. The fact is, other adults who can and should be handling their problems need to be, and we need not feel badly about saying no to anyone who is capable of taking care of things themselves.

The people in our lives who would use and abuse us know and use the words and phrases that will feel like a knife to the heart, and every therapist knows that a narcissist will always protest and squeal when their loved ones first set boundaries, but to be healthy and thrive we must do it.

So are there people who are self-oriented to the point of excluding everything and everyone else? Yes! They are probably the ones asking you to do things for them all the time. Enabling them perpetuates it, so just stop.

So, who do we call to expunge the words selfish, selfless and deserve from our language? I don’t know, but in my office it starts by calling my clients out every time they say them, forbidding them to utter them in my office, and talking about this subject in social and formal conversations whenever I can. My guess is that dedicating yourself to not using them will feel like the removal of handcuffs, and I can’t think of a better way to begin the practice of self care.

Emergency Advice for Cheaters Who Just Got Caught

If you just caught between the sheets it is past time to deal with your relationship!

Here is my latest blog, published on Medium.com for those people whose affair just got discovered! Let me know what you think!!


Doctor Becky

September 2019


Emergency Advice for Cheaters Who Just Got Caught

Stop Bitching, and Tell People What You Need.

The plight of the marriage therapist is to watch couples brawl – they bark, bray, hiss and throw lobs – all at the person they vowed to love, honor and cherish. If you know what you’re doing as a therapist, you won’t let that go on for long.

Therapists know nothing good will come from a back-and-forth heated discussion between two people. Pulses are up, and studies show that if pulse rates are over 100 beats per minute that it is impossible to retain information and interact.(1) Such intensity often leads a person into their most toxic self, where they’re likely to do more damage to the relationship, perhaps by hurling inaccuracies and exaggerations at the other person. This will escalate the madness into behaviors that are known to predict divorce.(2)

What is interesting about blistering arguments is that they can be stopped. Clients don’t know how to, but they need to learn. The process begins by stopping the spat and asking a couple of questions to yourself and to the other person:

1. What’s going on with you right now? (This asks you to focus on the feelings you’re having that are driving your distress.) i.e. “I’m mad that …” “I am scared that …”
2. What do you need?

Instead of, “You’re a workaholic!” or “You’re never home!” try, “I am feeling alone and in of need some quality time with you.”

Instead of, “I do everything with the house and family, and no one helps me!” try, “I am overwhelmed with all I do, and I need your help.”

Instead of “You can be such a bitch/asshole!” try, “It frightens me when your moods/emotions/words/anger are so intense. I need you to be soft and kind. What’s going on with you, what do you need?”

Anytime you feel chilly, grumpy, angry, tired, afraid, disgusted or want to withdraw or isolate, there is a reason why. This is the time for inquiry with yourself: “What’s going on with me? Why do I want to (Fill in blank here … get away, clobber, etc.,) from my spouse right now?”

When you figure out what is driving your mood, then ask yourself what you need. When I do the inquiry with myself, the thing I need is often something I can do for myself. For example, if I am exhausted, I may need to clear some space for rest. The important thing is, once you figure out what it is, create an action plan to take care of it. If it has to do with something that my partner is doing or not doing, I find a good time to talk with him, and then proceed with the questions (see below). This process is called self-care, and it’s the most important thing there is. It is the front door to mental and emotional health.

Mind, body, spirit health and teaching people how to attain it is my life passion, and not everyone is as mindful about it as I am, I get it. In the case of my partner, if I see he has fallen into a mood, I know he probably won’t be doing an inquiry, and it’s not my job to fix or instruct him or anyone without their permission. However, if he has fallen into a mood, that negatively affects us, it is appropriate for me to step in. So, I do the inquiry with him. I find a good time when he is relaxed, and come to him and say, “I have noticed you have been in a mood for a few days, what’s going on with you?” He is always able to tell me, as are almost all of the clients I ask, they’ll say, “I am crabby because … I am unhappy because … I am distant because … I have isolated myself because …” people can generally access the answers. The next question is, “Tell me what you need.”


“I am crabby because of so many financial obligations right now, and what I need is for us to not spend any money on things we don’t absolutely need for a couple of months.”

“I am isolating because my husband has to have an answer to whatever it is right now, and he pursues me until I feel backed into a corner.”

Now we have something to work with. Most partners are eager to help with their partner’s needs and wants, I know I am. We love our partners and don’t want them to be in distress, and if we can help alleviate any negative feelings, most people would be all in. Of course, there may be some relational skills you need to learn in order to know how to handle situations peacefully, and that’s what marriage therapists are for.

For example, what do you do about a pursuing spouse?

I would tell the pursuer not to chase after someone who is flooded with negative emotion. You have to give them space to calm down so they can come back and speak to you when they are calm. The flooded person must then work to calm themselves down so they can return. The default time frame is 20 minutes, then return. If you are not able to achieve that, tell your partner, “I am having difficulty calming down. I promise to come back to discuss this within 24 hours.” Then, do it.

These are the sorts of things that no lay person would ever know, but they can learn it in marriage therapy. That is why I highly recommend that you learn basic marriage skills from a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, because they’re armed with many research-based arrows in their quiver that will help couples behave in functional ways as opposed to dysfunctional ones.

What is great about the inquiry technique is that it eliminates ugliness and brings two people together to have an adult conversation that is respectful. It helps them understand each other and make adjustments that will help them maintain their loving relationship in the days and weeks ahead. This process is bond building.

One more thing to watch out for is those who outwardly criticize things or people in the household or workplace that have little or nothing to do with what is really going on with them. Doing the inquiry is perfect for this.


“I’m griping about my boss’s demands, but really I am just overwhelmed because I have put too much on my plate across the board.”

“I’m blaming the kids and my spouse for every little thing, when in fact I created this bad mood by procrastinating on doing things I needed to do and now I’m behind.”

It is really important that we stop blaming others for how we feel, and instead turn to ourselves and figure out what we need to do to be content. We are responsible for how our life is going. If the situation involves your partner and they won’t be there with and for you during your inquiry, and they aren’t open to negotiation and won’t be understanding or helpful, then you do indeed have a problem. In this case, see if a marriage therapist can help create a breakthrough. Not everyone has the maturity to do the inquiry, but most do, and that is great news.

1. “The fact that your heart rate is elevated at or above around 100 BPM means that you simply cannot process social interaction.” Gottman Institute.

2. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of marriage – criticism, defensiveness, contempt & stonewalling. Gottman Institute.https://www.gottman.com/blog/the-four-horsemen-recognizing-criticism-contempt-defensiveness-and-stonewalling/